Los brotes negros

En los picos de ansiedad

Los brotes negros - Eloy Fernández Porta - Anagrama
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

A broken self-portrait, a notebook of psychic suffering that unequivocally describes the symptoms and intensities of a prolonged anxiety disorder, and its dark flowering.

What remains of a person when they write "my head is my enemy"?

A torn self-portrait, a notebook of psychic suffering or the account of the life of an ex: former workaholic, former partner and former member of the Mentally Healthy Club. The Black Buds, which could also be titled The Good Tear Ducts, unequivocally describes the symptoms and intensities of a prolonged anxiety disorder, and its dark flowering: phases of hopelessness, episodes of anger, suicidal ideations.

Something more or less than an individual, what is drawn in its lines is an experimental subject - "let's see if this other pill works" - whose biorhythms, altered to the point of collapse, somatize the exalted speed of production,...read more


Book: Los brotes negros

ISBN: 9788433916600
Precio de lista: $215.00
Descuento: 10%