Una temporada en el infierno

Una temporada en el infierno  - Arthur Rimbaud - Axial Ediciones
Publisher name: 
Axial Ediciones
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

The poem is divided into 10 parts. Each differs markedly from the others in aspects such as tone or narrative comprehension.
Introduction — Summarizes the narrator's doom and introduces the story as "a few pages from my doom diary." According to some critics, it was written after the fact, once the poem was finished.
Bad Blood — Talks about the narrator's Gallic roots and his influence on his morality and his state of mind. This chapter is the door to Rimbaud's three failures, which will be described below.
Hell Night — Describes the moment of the narrator's death and his entry into hell.
Delusions II: Alchemy of the Verb — Here the narrator explains his old aesthetic theories and shows them as false hopes and broken dreams. Contains many sections in verse.
The Impossible — This section is very non-explanatory; but through the narration of a failed attemp...read more


Book: Una temporada en el infierno

ISBN: 9789688673317
Precio de lista: $70.00
Descuento: 30%