Tendencias en documentación digital

Tendencias en documentación digital - Jesús Tramullas - Trea
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Digital documentation is a world wide, complex, continuous development and expansion, and exceeded by far the traditional boundaries of the documentation. It is a commonplace to speak, from the 1990s, the exponential growth of digital information and documentation. But this growth has brought get eaten or noticeable changes in the approaches and tools with which it is managed. The volume that the reader has his hands around four sectors considered essential, for the semantic web, the content management systems, digital magazines and document management or records management is organized. This organization, and its contents are the result of activity analysis conducted by researchers on methods, techniques and tools present in the field of digital documentation.


Book: Tendencias en documentación digital

ISBN: 9788497042703
Precio de lista: $980.00
Descuento: 25%