Postales de la Contracultura

Un viaje a la Costa Oeste (1974-1984)

Postales de la Contracultura - Osvaldo Baigorria - Caja Negra Editora
Publisher name: 
Caja Negra Editora
Year of publication: 
Rustic with flaps

"In January 1974 I left by train and partly to finger on a trip that would take me almost eleven years of searching for the territories of the counterculture that spread from and to the American west coast."

With these words Osvaldo Baigorria starts an exercise of memory that, fired by the photographic catches of an old Pentax and another even older Leica, trace the personal map of an era to which again and again we feel the impulse to return , as looking for the reasons why it was not what could have been. California, San Francisco, The coasts, routes, deserts and forests that during the outbreak of the "Summer of Love" had worked as an imaginary geography and flight limit to where the escape of the young American dream deserters would compose in the decade of the It seventies the scene of a silent cultural and civilizing battle. Getting there in those years was to face a more


Book: Postales de la Contracultura

ISBN: 9789871622672
Precio de lista: $340.00
Descuento: 25%