Pablo Neruda antología general

Pablo Neruda antología general - Pablo Neruda - Alfaguara
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Hard cover

The General Anthology of Pablo Neruda is part of the collection of popular commemorative editions promoted by the RAE and the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language and published in Spain and Latin America under the Alfaguara publishing house. The compilation of the essential work of Neruda has been carried out by the Chilean academic Hernán Loyola, who has managed to outline an excellent guide to be able to follow, in twelve chapters, the creative adventure of the great poet. Thus, the text of the General Anthology is preceded by a series of analyses that begins Jorge Edwards (Chilean Academy) with a personal testimony, a chronicle of the last stage of the great poet's life. They also write about different aspects of the life and work of Pablo Neruda: Alain Sicard (Cuban Academy), Selena Millares (Autonomous University of Madrid), Henán Loyola himself, Marco Martos Carrera more

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Book: Pablo Neruda antología general

ISBN: 9788420404967