No hay manera de escapar

No hay manera de escapar -  AA.VV. - Caja Negra Editora
Publisher name: 
Caja Negra Editora
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Rustic with flaps

There is no way to escape can be read in at least two ways: as a detective novel with all the ingredients of the genre or as a particular collaborative work between Boris Vian and Oulipo, the potential French literature group born in 1960, a year after the author's death.

We are located in the forties, in a city in the interior of the United States. Frank Bolton returns from Korea with a crippled body: he lost his left hand in combat and has been replaced with an uncomfortable steel prosthesis. The ghosts of the massacres that occurred there still haunt him. When he arrives at his family's mansion, he is shocked by the news of the murder of his first girlfriend. Soon other victims will be added, as if someone had been merciless with important people from his past. Accompanied by the eccentric and effeminate private detective Narcissus Rose and a gallery of characters from the more


Book: No hay manera de escapar

ISBN: 9789871622900