Madame Edwarda

Madame Edwarda - Georges Bataille - Editorial fontamara
Publisher name: 
Editorial fontamara
Year of publication: 

It is a short story written in 1937, but published clandestinely until 1941, later, in 1956, Bataille added the preface in which he speaks of himself in the third person and which constitutes the synthetic summary of almost all the issues that concerned him throughout his life. This work narrates the possession of her, outside the brothel and in the middle of the street, by Madame Edwarda, a gallant woman, and how she enjoys her with her brazen exhibitionism, manifesting an exaggerated and insatiable sexual desire. The work has also been considered as a poetic story that is at the same time a theological analysis on the principles of evil and darkness, that is, on death. The author makes a kind of simulacrum of the "creative action of evil", but Madame Edwarda, beyond her "lugubrious game", beyond the matter that imprisons her, shows herself as the incarnation of the Spirit, of God more


Book: Madame Edwarda

ISBN: 9786077360476
Precio de lista: $90.00
Descuento: 15%