Los diarios de Berlín (1940-1945)

Los diarios de Berlín (1940-1945) - Marie Vassiltchikov - Acantilado
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Marie "Missie" Vassiltchikov left Russia with her family in the spring of 1919. Surprised by the outbreak of World War II while spending the summer with her sister Tatiana at Countess Olga Pückler's castle, she was forced to seek employment in Berlin. . In January 1940 he began working in the Broadcasting Service and later in the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Third Reich, where he collaborated with a group of opponents of Nazism who would later be involved in the failed attack. of Count Von Stauffenberg against Hitler. This is what these pages are about, a personal diary—published for the first time in 1985—that brings us closer to Berlin at the end of the war and its anti-Nazi circles. John le Carré called this book “one of the most extraordinary war diaries ever written. Innocent and first-hand testimony, it portrays the death of Old Europe through...read more


Category: All >> History >> Century XX

Book: Los diarios de Berlín (1940-1945)

ISBN: 9788496136656
Precio de lista: $955.00
Descuento: 25%