La matemática de los dioses y los algoritmos de los hombres

La matemática de los dioses y los algoritmos de los hombres - Paolo Zellini - Siruela
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Soft cover

The mathematics of the gods and the algorithms of men is a prodigious scientific and humanistic synthesis that expands the wake of the essential Brief history of infinity.

What kind of identity is to be attributed to numbers? Are they real entities or an invention with which our mind verifies the existence of something in the world? Two capital questions that mathematicians have been trying to answer for centuries.

With admirable transparency, Zellini examines these questions that - like those about the identity of things subject to metamorphosis or about the constitution of matter - concern all thinking beings, since how is it possible to remain immutable while growing up? to infinity (and there is nothing that grows like the numbers do)?

Starting from the idea that we are a divine race and we have the power to create, the Triestine essayist reviews in an more


Book: La matemática de los dioses y los algoritmos de los hombres

ISBN: 9788417454456
Precio de lista: $785.00
Descuento: 25%