Introducción a Gadamer 

Introducción a Gadamer  - Jean  Grondin - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 320 g

A great introduction to the thought of Hans-Georg Gadamer in the hand of one of the most knowledgeable of his thought and theories of hermeneutics, the Canadian philosopher Jean Grondin. From a critical reading of Truth and Method, the main work of the German thinker, and the further development of the ideas it contains, Grondin discusses the current positions of Gadamer as the possibilities and limits of knowledge. Grondin places Gadamer's philosophical ideas in the context of the traditional philosophical arguments showing, for example, how Gadamer at one time continues and modifies the approach of Descartes's philosophical approach to the problem and how Heidegger expands understanding of the relationship between thought and language. Thus, Grondin shows that the hermenáutica sucita issues are philosophical rather than relevant to contemporary concerns of science and history.


Book: Introducción a Gadamer 

ISBN: 8425422981
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 30%