Historia vivida de Artaud-Mômo

Historia vivida de Artaud-Mômo - Antonin Artaud - Mardulce
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Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Artaud-Mômo's lived history is one of the most
important of Antonin Artaud, hitherto unpublished in Spanish.
On January 13, 1947, at the exit of a tremendous
psychiatric hospitalization, Artaud delivered a conference
as wonderful as heartbreaking, in which, by way
Autobiographical, he intended to tell his life. It happened in the Théâtre
du Vieux Colombier, in Paris, before an audience that
overflowed the room and that turned that night into the memory
Word of mouth, in a mythical scene. Many left
before the writer finishes speaking, unable to bear
The intensity of the text. The notes that Artaud prepared
for that night they are the ones that form this book. An event
unique to experience, now in reading, that
Same wild intensity.
The adventures of madness, suffering, vanguard,
art to the extreme,...read more



Book: Historia vivida de Artaud-Mômo

ISBN: 9789873731389