Historia del dónde: en busca de los confines del mundo

Historia del dónde: en busca de los confines del mundo -  AA.VV. - Siruela
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Soft cover

"A lucid and dazzling story of one of the most essential and timeless searches of the human being: understanding the limits of the world and finding the place we occupy in it.
"Where are we?"Is an apparently trivial question that man asked himself since he began to measure the space around him and to which he has not been able to definitively answer.

In this work, the astrophysicist Maccacaro and the medieval historian Tartari offer us a solid and revealing journey through that search, pointing out the milestones that at different moments in history were key to the development of science, culture and perception of the world.

The authors lead us from the vaguely barely perceived space of a valley, as Homo erectus must have been, to the most archaic cosmogonic myths, passing through the first systems of representation in the world. In the Bronze Age the great empires...read more


Book: Historia del dónde: en busca de los confines del mundo

ISBN: 9788417624446
Precio de lista: $715.00
Descuento: 25%