Historia de la transexualidad

Historia de la transexualidad - Jesús Romanov López-Alfonso - Almuzara
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Rustic with flaps

Since ancient times, transsexuality has been an intimate part of our history. A journey through the main milestones of a movement that is an expression of humanism and justice.

Each culture has expected from the person who is biologically born a man, certain values, attitudes and ways of coping with his own existence, which had to be fulfilled in order to be fully accepted in the community. However, everything that strayed (and still strays today) from these norms should be cornered, annulled or corrected in the best of cases, as was the case with people who manifested a sexuality different from the heteronormative patterns, or a divergence between biological sex and the one they felt they belonged to.

The work you are holding in your hands for the first time includes a deep and rigorous analysis of transsexuality, including a historical journey that spans from Antiquity...read more


Book: Historia de la transexualidad

ISBN: 9788418709357
Precio de lista: $680.00
Descuento: 15%