En honor a Eros

En honor a Eros - Alberto Davidoff - Turner
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Hard cover

Eroticism as an impulse that runs through the history of art through its symbols.

Certain symbols appear and reappear in different cultures and philosophical traditions, revealing a far-reaching impulse that alludes to eroticism. In this study, the author traces a certain historical linearity, in which he interprets coincidences of symbols that cross distances and eras.

In honor of Eros he explores how the sexual is inserted in the gap between matter and soul, between soul and spirit. He places the body at the center of the spiritual experience, not as an ultimate goal or identity that we must seek, but as a crucible that transforms and allows us to reach greater depth. This open secret serves as a guide for us to review our understanding of some of the decisive works of our civilization. As in love, the mysterious beauty of these cultural icons can be the precise and pr...read more


Book: En honor a Eros

ISBN: 9788418895104
Precio de lista: $590.00
Descuento: 10%