El Diablo

Y otros cuentos de angustia

El Diablo - Guy de Maupassant - Valdemar
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 299 g
Soft cover

Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was late for fame. He was thirty when he published "Sebo Ball" (1880), a story that made him famous overnight. From that moment on, his literary activity becomes frantic: in the following ten he will publish more than three hundred stories and seven novels. Maupassant makes Flaubert's realism and his budgets on style a religion to which he consecrates, but his personal instinct deepens that reality and guides his stories towards the roots of love and hate, of perversion, crime, of terror And madness, until it becomes one of the great teachers of the horror story.
It precedes this anthology of stories an article in which Maupassant develops the only theories and ideas he wrote about what the fantastic genre supposed for him. It abounds among these stories a vision of the reality that generates anguish and terror, from the stupid cruelty of "the donke...read more


Book: El Diablo

ISBN: 9788477025962
Precio de lista: $320.00
Descuento: 25%