El cuerpo herido

Identidades estalladas contemporáneas

El cuerpo herido - David Le Breton - Topía editorial
Publisher name: 
Topía editorial
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

David Le Breton is a sensitive researcher who delves into the theme of the body from the human dimension. He quickly places the direction of his research for this book at the beginning by stating: "The human condition is a bodily condition." This affirmation places us in a context that Le Breton develops throughout his extensive work: the importance of the meaning that is attributed to this bodily condition framed in the parameters of temporality, since the body, and therefore the person, it has an innate fragility and a limited duration; and the separation from others, marked by the singularity of the body and by its isolation within the edges of the skin, although it can access touch and contact. This investment, sometimes unsuccessful, occurs in a social bond, in a swarm of meaning agreements in relation to the actions and reactions of the body and what emanates from it. Agreements...read more


Book: El cuerpo herido

ISBN: 9789874025142