El cine como texto

Una Hermenéutica de la imagen-movimiento

El cine como texto - María José Rossi - Topía editorial
Publisher name: 
Topía editorial
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

First Topía International Essay Book Contest

We have unanimously decided to grant the:
First prize: “Cinema, Philosophy and psychoanalysis: towards a hermeneutics of the movement-image” by María José Rossi (Jeremias).
In Cinema, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: towards a Hermeneutics of the Image-Movement by María José Rossi, "Jeremías" constructs a rigorous text about the image, clearly, precisely and consistently articulating the languages that explain the subject and the reception. With beautiful writing, "Jeremias" travels through a universe where hermeneutics and semiotics dispute their place to account for how philosophy and psychoanalysis transform cinema, and how cinema transforms culture."

The text by María José Rossi was edited by Topía publishing house with the title
Cinema as Text. A Hermeneutics of the movement-image.
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Book: El cine como texto

ISBN: 9789871185191