Conceptos esenciales de sociología

Conceptos esenciales de sociología -  AA.VV. - Alianza editorial
Publisher name: 
Alianza editorial
Year of publication: 
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Social life is in a constant process of change and sociology can not remain on the sidelines. Theoretically diverse, current sociology is interested in a wide variety of topics and uses different research methods. Crucial to this is the basic concepts and ideas that allow sociologists to understand societies, although our way of understanding these concepts is not static either. This book presents a careful selection of concepts that are cornerstones of sociology and which in many cases continue to contribute to its configuration. The authors deal in detail with each concept, situating it in its historical and theoretical context, exploring its main meanings in the use, introducing pertinent criticisms if necessary, and showing how it is used in contemporary research and theory. Organized in ten thematic units, the book offers a panorama of sociology through its essential concepts - more


Book: Conceptos esenciales de sociología

ISBN: 9788420697581