Bataille vs Sade

Las muy elaboradas mentiras de Georges Bataille sobre Donatien Alphonse François de Sade.

Bataille vs Sade - Jorge Veraza - Itaca
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Bataille reads Hegel and Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Freud; Also to Stirner and Marx, Weber, Durkheim, and Mauss; He reads to the Gnostics and the alchemists, to San Juan de la Cruz and to Sade; He reads Bergson, Jaspers, and Heidegger; Read Zen, Zusuki and the Christian mystics, Yogis and Persians; Malinowski and Lenin, the Greeks and Fray Bernardino de Sahagun ... He will want to make an extensive synthesis not only of Western culture but of all cultures, including the Eastern, the ancient American peoples and that of the Africans.

     The heaviest currents of our time feed the channel of his speech and in it come together in an unusual way. Is Georges Bataille the key stone of the immense church that is culture? It was his intent.

     But hidden under the appearance of a chaotic and therefore supposedly libertarian discourse, the whole of Bataille's work constitutes more


Book: Bataille vs Sade

ISBN: 9786079703530