Actores y cambio social en la Revolución Mexicana

Actores y cambio social en la Revolución Mexicana -  AA.VV. - Itaca
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The purpose of the work collected in this volume is to provide detailed research on the process of change opened by the Mexican Revolution in different fields or political, social and cultural subfields in the period from the government of Venustiano Carranza to Adolfo López Mateos.

Each of the authors decided to enter into the discussion by means of the axis already provided by some individual actor, or by some collective actor, or by the study of a circumscribed space of some field or by a symbolic dispute.

Although such entries result in texts located in heterogeneous times, fields and spaces, they are united by a common discussion. The central question can be stated as follows: how did the revolution change the interdependence frameworks in which individual and collective actors moved, and how did they act to take advantage of new opportunities for power, to defend more


Book: Actores y cambio social en la Revolución Mexicana

ISBN: 9786077957850