Leonardo Da Jandra

Leonardo Da Jandra

Leonardo da Jandra born in Chiapas, Mexico, in 1951. Shortly before their first birthday, his parents took him to Arousa in Galicia. He attended college in Madrid and later moved to Mexico City, where he attended a doctoral course in philosophy of mathematics in UNAM with the controversial thesis Totality Seudototalidad and Party. Deep unidirectional models of modern culture questioning, moved to live with her partner, the painter Agar Garcia in Huatulco, paradisiacal landscape of the Oaxacan coast. Robinsonianamente They lived on hunting and fishing for almost thirty years, until they were evicted by the director of the National Tourism Fund (FONATUR) for opposing the privatization of Huatulco National Park, they themselves contributed to testify.
The work of Da Jandra, is philosophical essay, novel or story, always expressed with untimely and only force a living thought in search of a single truth can transcend time and open up to a larger reality. Samahua his novel won the 1997 National Literature Prize IMPAC.